Brasserie Balzar is part of our national heritage. When you see its glassed-in terrace off in the distance, only one thought occurs to you: joining for a time this “club” open to all. It would be a terrible mistake.
Let’s start with the veal liver: it’s carelessly prepared, disgusting. The potatoes are revolting. The tomato, a bit mangled, is plunked in the corner. The whole thing is simply pathetic. I was as hungry as a wolf but I left practically everything on the plate.
On to dessert: the specialty is “le glacé Balzar” (an ice cream concoction). The dish is a breathtaking disaster: Chantilly from a spray bottle, very little chocolate sauce, industrial ice cream and dusty meringue. It certainly sounded good, but the execution is…. lacking.
When you look at the bill after barely eating or even drinking anything, you can only rub your eyes in disbelief: 67.90 euros for this unspeakable meal. It’s enough to make you go outside and rip up the asphalt, exhume a few cobblestones, and make proper use of them.
Brasserie Balzar. 49, rue des Écoles, Ve. Tél. : 01 43 54 13 67. Ouvert tous les jours.