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26 January 2012


You forget it when Laetitia at Le Bistro Paul Bert greets you with a smile, seats you at your favorite table and gifts you with a glass of wine and when it comes to choosing a bottle of wine doesn’t foist something you can’t afford on you.

Some ethnic foods especially from the Maghreb are excellent!

Yeah! Agreee! really awesome post :)

really awesome post thanks 4 this post

Suis d'accord. I live in Paris, the problem is you have to be in the know! If not, you can have some really awful eating and drinking experiences. Tourist places serve pre-made food, from "Metro" e.g., Chartier. However, coffee is getting nuch better with more new barristas competing. French classics can't be beat though... Some ethnic foods especially from the Maghreb are excellent!

I still agree, Paris is still number one.

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